almost over you ...献给 广大光棍朋友们几乎忘了你..
i saw an old friend of ours today
she asked about you
i didn't quite know what to say
heard you've been making your rounds round here
while i've been trying to make tears disappear
now i'm almost over you
i've almost shook these blues
so when you come back around after painting the town
you'll see i'm almost over you
you're such a sly one with your cold cold heart
maybe leaving came easy
but it tore me apart
time heals all wounds they say and i should know
cause it seems like forever
but i'm letting you go
now i'm almost over you
i've almost shook these blues
so when you come back around after painting the town
you'll see i'm almost over you
i can forgive you and soon
i'll forget all my shattered dreams
although you left me with nothing to show
full of misery
now i'm almost over you
i've almost shook these blues
so when you come back around after painting the town
you'll see i'm almost over you
when you come back around after painting the town
you'll see i'm almost over you 如果今天谁祝我“光棍节”快乐,那如果是男人,我就祝他找不着对象,女的,就嫁不出去好了 那我祝你光棍节郁闷好了 不错。。顶个 瓶子,你诅咒不了我,哈哈 555555555
妹妹,你长大了 知道关心人了,我很欣慰。。。 引用第4楼夕夜£如风于2010-11-11 19:37发表的 :
夜夜 看到你 我就想起来一句话
贱人是怎样练成的 2瓶,你PP又痒了? 引用第7楼夕夜£如风于2010-11-11 19:41发表的 :
来咬我啊 来啊
哇哈哈 你们两个老小孩,